As part of the Romero academy and here at St Gregory’s we believe in giving our children the best possible start to their journey through Education. Our EYFS classes are Nursery and Reception.
Learning at St. Gregory’s starts with the child; our curriculum changes and develops to reflect this.
We teach the children social skills, language and communication and physical skills which will underpin all of their learning. Our curriculum supports the children to be lifelong learners with a positive attitude to learning, ensuring all children reach their God given potential. A St. Gregory’s EYFS child will have the opportunity to reflect, serve, aspire, experience, thrive and shine.
We work in partnership with our families to support our children to grow as individuals and develop key skills such as independence, resilience and confidence.
We celebrate the unique qualities and interests of every child and nurture them to reach full potential to take their place in the world, promoting excitement, awe and wonder. Topics are used to expose children to a range of experiences, enhancing their time in school. Staff plan learning activities that are matched to the children’s individual development and to help further and deepen children’s knowledge of the world around them.
We use the inside and outside environment as a key feature of our curriculum. We offer stimulating resources and rich learning opportunities through play that support and challenge all children.
We prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure children make good progress from their starting points, supporting our children through their transition into KS1 and their journey at St. Gregory’s. Our vision is that children will leave St. Gregory’s as happy, independent, aspirational and motivated learners.
The EYFS Curriculum covers 7 areas:
Communication and language | Listening, attention and understanding Speaking |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development | Self-regulation Managing self Building relationships |
Physical Development | Gross motor skills Fine motor skills |
Literacy | Comprehension and word reading Writing |
Mathematics | Number Numerical patterns |
Understanding of the World | Past and present People, culture and communities The natural world |
Expressive Arts and Design | Creating with materials Being imaginative and expressive |
We have a clear focus on developing language and communication skills. Staff recognise the importance of language development. Staff model high quality communication skills and expanding children’s vocabulary is key.
Our curriculum fosters a love of books, something that some of our children may not have when they begin in EYFS, but we hope they have by the time they leave. Daily story time, books throughout the provision, a class library and reading workshops are a number of ways we aim to do this through our curriculum. Our learning always includes key texts including modern literature, non-fiction and traditional tales.
We keep parents informed, meeting with parents and carers from before they begin their journey at St. Gregory’s and throughout their child’s time in the EYFS. Staff are available in the morning and afternoon to talk to parents. We hold stay and play sessions, parent workshops, assemblies, parent consultations, home visits and ad hoc meetings when necessary. Parents and carers are supported when meeting with external agencies if required and staff are always there to listen and support.
Our environments are calm and interesting, sparking curiosity, interest and wonder, as well as celebrating the achievements of the children. Classrooms are welcoming and reflect the needs and interests of the children. We take great pride in our environment and encourage the children to do the same. Tidy up time is very important in the EYFS!
At St. Gregory’s the impact of the EYFS Curriculum is that all children make good progress from their individual starting points. We measure and monitor the impact of our curriculum in different ways throughout the year. Baseline assessments are carefully analysed at the start of the year to ensure teachers can plan for children’s next steps carefully. Staff use observations to make formative assessments which inform future planning and ensure that all children build on their current knowledge and skills at a good pace. Evidence in children’s learning journeys support all areas of the EYFS curriculum. Summative assessments are carried out each term.
All children get the best possible start to their school life and develop the knowledge and skills to reach and exceed their potential. They develop strong, positive attitudes where they become proud and respectful of themselves. Our children gain a thirst for learning and begin to become lifelong learners. They encounter a range of experiences that widen their own knowledge and skills. The children develop a range of positive relationships with adults and peers, remembering that we are learning and growing in the service of God.