At St Gregory Primary school our school target for attendance is 97%
Education is the key to your child’s future and working together we can all ensure that they have the best possible outcomes. We must ensure that all our pupils have an equal chance to make good use of the education that the school offers by providing a positive and encouraging atmosphere. To achieve this, it is important that each child attends school regularly and punctually. When a child does not attend school regularly and on time they will have difficulty keeping up with their work and will therefore underachieve.
How does your child compare?
If your child is absent from school, then you are required to phone in each and every day of their absence. As part of our Romero Attendance Policy, our Family Support & Attendance Worker will conduct a home visit to all children if they are off for 3 consecutive days or more or if your child’s attendance is sporadic. If you are not in, then we will leave a “calling card” and it is expected that you call them back.
Lateness – Not only does lateness make a bad start to the day, arrival after 9:20am is recorded as a U code and has a negative impact on your child’s attendance. All lateness/attendance is monitored by Sharon Feeney, who is the Family Support & Attendance Worker for Romero.
Medical appointments – Medical/dental appointments are recorded as an absence so still affect your child’s attendance record if they are not present for registration. These appointments must be supported by evidence which should be provided to the school office. Please make medical appointments after school whenever possible.
Requests of absence – You must complete a leave of absence form if you intend to take your child out of school, this should be completed and handed back in advance. Due to the recent changes absences will only be authorised if there are exceptional circumstances, you should consider the impact on your child’s education before taking them out of school.
Please see the new fixed penalty process below, this is set down by the Department of Education and all school are required to adhere to it.
The school recognises that parents have a vital role to play in supporting and encouraging good attendance and punctuality. By accepting responsibility in partnership with the school, we can work together to ensure the children’s right to a full education, as well as enabling parents to fulfil their legal responsibility.
The link below is for Coventry City Council School Attendance pages, and will answer any questions you may have around school attendance and fixed penalty notices.
School trips
We can ask you for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of activities like school trips. We can’t stop your child from attending if you don’t pay, but we could cancel the activity if there isn’t enough money to cover the cost of it.